Bonded Fasteners – highly versatile, efficiency guaranteed bigHead® threaded bolts, threaded stand-offs, pins, nails and nuts as universal tear- and extraction- resistant connections impress with the simplicity of their installation and their suitability for high strength applications. Made of stainless and galva- nized steel, they are ideal for invisible application in plastic materials, fiber composites, wood or lami- nates. Multiple variants offer universal and intel- ligent solutions which are used in automotive and ship building, furniture production, mechanical engineering and many other industries. Challenge For molded parts made of plastic, GRP, carbon fibre and other composite materials it is difficult to provide a mechanical fixing which is reliable and high strength. It is also difficult to find a fastening system that is versatile and simplifies product assembly. Solution bigHead® fasteners are reliable and very secure and can be either surface bonded with adhesive or embedded in the molded part. Thus, sturdy attach- ment or fixing points are established that cannot break or be pulled out, so they are highly suitable for all kind of composite and lightweight applica- tions. bigHeads® are used for prefab parts for truck cabs, cars, caravans, mobile homes, ship interior fittings, air transport containers, furniture and shop fittings, street signs, machine covers, decora- tive cassettes, lighting fixtures etc. Advantages n Easy and time-saving n Highly versatile n Surface bonded with adhesive or fully embedded n Ideal for fiber composites, fiberglass, carbon fiber, SMC, BMC and other molding compounds, foam plastics, elastomers, rubbers, laminated timber, triple corrugated cardboard n Fasteners with threaded bolts can be provided with protective polyethylene covers for dirt-proof processing 4